Live A Vibrant Life Podcast with Life Coach Kelly Tibbitts

Put the FUN back in Summer

kelly tibbitts Episode 96

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In this episode, Kelly guides us in reflecting on our favorite childhood summer memories in order to recreate that joy and enthusiasm in our current lives this summer. She encourages us to pay careful attention to our varying energy levels and make decisions from there.  By regularly applying the three step process of noticing, deciding, and taking small action steps towards your summer “fun” goals, you can create the vibrant life you desire and bring back the fun in your summer season!

Main points: 

  • Take some to reflect on what you loved most about summer as a child.
  • Notice the specifics about YOUR energy levels in the summertime.
  • Decide one “summer fun” goal for yourself and what small practices will move you towards that goal.
  • Practice those small steps each week.
  • Reflect, keep noticing, and tweak your practices as needed throughout the season.


Let's connect.

I am cheering for you!

Welcome to the Live a Vibrant Life podcast. I'm life coach Kelly Pivitz, and each week I'll be here to encourage and equip you with the tools you need to grow in self awareness and invest your best energy in your dreams and your purpose. I believe self awareness changes everything. Let's get started. Welcome to the Put the Fun Back in Summer Workshop. I am so excited to be with you today. I hope that our time together really helps you clarify for you what you would love to create this summer as a result that's important to you. So if we haven't met yet, my name is Kelly Tibbitts. I'm a life coach from New Hampshire, and I've created this program with three big ideas that have been part of my coaching program for the last few years. These coaching tools can serve you any time of year. We're going to start with today and I have a question for you. Do you remember being a kid and just loving something about summer? Maybe it was sleeping in and not having to go to school. Maybe it was more time for reading. That was what it was for me. Or maybe it was more time outside with your friends, whatever it is. One of the people that was sharing with us the other day said, just laying down and looking at the stars at night, what was it for you? What did you love about summertime as a child? Do you still remember that feeling? Is it something you'd like to recreate in your life: enthusiasm, excitement, joy, fun? That's what we're looking for this year. We get one precious life and what would it look like if we decide to notice on repeat what we're thinking and feeling and doing? Is it serving us in creating the results we want? As you go through this workbook, use the workbook in any way that it serves you. Maybe you have some time in the morning when it's quiet and you want to walk slowly through it, or you just want to join me for these 15 minutes. There's no wrong way to apply life coaching to your own life. Every step forward creating the results you want is really great. So let's just think for a minute. What would it look like to have a summer that's more fun? What would it look like to just notice how your relationships are doing? And are you on purpose investing in the ones that are helping you flourish? Whatever you decide, just know this, that when you invest in yourself, everyone gets the best of you. So that's why I encourage everyone to have a life coach. Creating the life that is vibrant, where you have relationships that are healthy, where you are brave and creative and living out your purpose filled dreams starts with step one, notice. Notice what you're thinking and feeling. What do you want to do? What do you want to stop doing? One of these three things is easiest for you. Maybe you notice your thoughts and journaling is quite simple. Maybe you're noticing your feelings. Maybe you have inside of you somatically in your body an understanding of why you say the yeses and the no's you want. One of these three is hard to access and nothing's gone wrong. It's just part of being a human. But take the time that you need to notice. As human beings, we are emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual people. We live life with energy that doesn't constantly stay at a hundred percent. It ebbs and flows like an ocean wave. So notice your emotional, mental, physical, spiritual energy. Where are you today? Notice what you would love to be doing because you think it's fun. What would you love to do in the area of self care? If you're feeling tired, sometimes you need a nap, but sometimes you need a walk in the woods and some sunshine. Learning to notice what you need is incredibly powerful. Notice the responsibilities, what you've already said yes to in your life. You might have work for pay, work that you're not paid for, a home to take care of, relationships that you're investing in, and then your hopes and dreams. And then finally, what else do you notice if you just ask yourself from a place of deep love, what is fun for you? I know for me, this took a little bit of work. Depending on how connected you are to that part of your life, it might be easy, Or it might take some time. Nothing's gone wrong. I noticed that when my life feels balanced, I'm able to invest in the relationships that are important to me, work in the areas that I've decided are important and also do the things that fill my soul with sunshine. So that's what we'll be talking about today. Step one is checking in with yourself, noticing, are you in high green energy? Are you in yellow energy or is it starting to feel like I'm running out of energy? That's what red energy feels like. It feels heavy, like it's almost gone. And then we all know what happens when we live day after day in that red exhausted energy, we end up overwhelmed, depleted and exhausted. That's not the life we were meant to live. We were meant to live an abundant, vibrant life. Now, we can't constantly live in that green blue flow. Life is going to happen. It's going to ebb and flow. But as you begin to notice, you might discover some very interesting things. What I discovered as I began to do this work is that I have incredible mental energy first thing in the morning, but I don't really have any physical energy. So I've never been somebody who's able to get up and work out. Maybe you are the opposite of me. I also noticed that somewhere in the mid afternoon before dinner, I hit an energy slump. I don't have good mental, physical, or emotional energy. And I was in fact talking to somebody the other day who was at work, trying to convince themselves to go work on a hard project when their energy was basically red, grey, depleted energy. What a gift it would have been for them to be self aware enough to know maybe it's time for me to go home and come back tomorrow and when my energy is fresh, work on this important project. So that's why I've created this page for you, Activity by Energy Level, to take the time you need to take so that you know, hey, when my energy is great, when I have green mental and physical and emotional energy, here are the things I'm going to choose to do. I'm going to decide in advance. And when I'm in red mental and physical energy, here are the things that I'm going to do and the things I'm not going to do. And what happens when we are in our coaching circle together is we hold space to grow in the awareness so that you can make these choices. Sometimes many of us realize while we're coaching, that we just have these thoughts that we don't notice and they're on repeat and they're creating the opposite results that we would like to see in our life. If you have a thought like I can't rest, you're going to push yourself past capacity. And what's going to happen is you're going to end up doing a lot of work in that red or gray depleted energy. And it would be so different if you could just say, I'm tired, I need a rest, and you come back refreshed and make those same decisions from green or blue flow energy. Obviously, we would love to always be in that green and blue, healthy, vibrant flow energy, but being a human means there are days and hours, moments where our energy ebbs and flows. And so part of coaching is just noticing, having somebody by your side saying nothing's gone wrong, how human of you, and then using the best energy to make the plan in advance. So then all you have to do is follow that plan. The first step is to notice, and then the next step is to decide. So much of our life We give energy to indecision, to deciding tomorrow, I'll think about that later. But while we're waiting to make the decision, we're still going through our mental energy. It's running in the background. What would it look like today for you to decide to focus on one thing? That's what the word priority means. It means one. What's the most important result you'd like to create? Now what serves me when I'm helping others coach and when I'm coaching myself is to get a piece of paper and write down everything you think is important from self care, relationships, responsibilities, dreams, all of it, write it down. And know that you will get to each thing in its time, but choose one. Choose one area to start with today, decide one priority. And that result I'm offering you, what would it look like for now to practice this tool? Choose one fun result. Maybe you want to go to the beach three times this summer. Maybe you want to read five books. Maybe you want to go on a romantic date six times before September, whatever you decide the result is, what would you need to think in order to create the feelings in your body that create that result? So say my decision was I want to go to the beach three times this summer. I would need to think a thought like, It would be so fun to go to the beach three times this summer. And if I think that thought over and over again, I'd probably create some excitement in my body, which would then make me want to go to the beach. But what if my thought was I'm just too busy to do anything fun? I think it would be hard to get to the beach. Because my thoughts would be creating feelings that kept me from doing anything related to the beach. It would say, you don't have enough time, do the responsible thing. And the truth is, if we live a life where we don't rest and we don't enjoy our life, our work also suffers. We make these decisions often because the work that we do is important. But living a vibrant life creates all of the energy that allows us to create the results we need to create. So that's what this page is for. Choose one decision. Priority means one. Don't let your brain give you the thought, all 97 things I wrote on the paper are equally important. They're all awesome, but choose one to start with. Once you've made that decision, let's look at small action steps. We call these practices. Notice Decide, practice. What are the small steps that can move you forward? We've seen apps that help you run a 5k by starting with put your sneakers on, be a person who wears sneakers, go for a walk, be a person who goes outside for five minutes a day. Taking these small action steps move us in the direction of creating the result. So what would you like to decide and what are three small steps that could move you in that direction? Now if it starts to feel overwhelming to take step one, it's too big. Break it down into smaller steps. And then after a few days or a couple of weeks, notice if you've created the results you want. If you have, look at box one that says the word, yes. Let's celebrate! You noticed what you wanted. You decided to put your best energy towards it. And you've created the small practical steps that allowed you to create the results. Let's celebrate that. But what if the answer is no? Let's go back to the notice. Did you notice maybe you were scheduling the practices for the wrong time of day for your energy? Did you notice that additional responsibilities came into your life just when you wanted to work on this new priority? Whatever you noticed, try to do so without judgment and then make a new decision in small practice steps. I would love to be your life coach. I would love to help you walk through this process and continue to grow a life where you are healthy in every season, where you have relationships that flourish and you're investing your best energy and living your purpose filled, dream filled, brave, creative life. To find out more, you can email me at coaching at or find me on Facebook or Instagram. We are about to begin the summer series called fill your soul with sunshine. You know, you and I are the only people that can do the work to allow our one precious life to be filled with sunshine. I've done it for myself. I've helped over 50 women these last three years, and I'd love to help you. Join us this summer and create that result that's so important to you. We'll talk soon. Thank you for joining the Live a Vibrant Life podcast. I hope our time together encouraged you and will equip you with the tools you need to move into the vibrant life you desire. I'm here to help you live a brave, creative, purpose filled life. And if you'd like to learn more, You can follow me on Instagram or Facebook, Kelly Tibbetts Life Coach, or visit my website, kellytibbetts. com. I look forward to connecting again soon.

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