Live A Vibrant Life Podcast with Life Coach Kelly Tibbitts

Align Your Energy & Create Your Dreams

kelly tibbitts Episode 94

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This week's podcast is a partial recording from my INVEST in your Dreams group coaching program. We look at energy in its various forms and discuss the importance of noticing that our energy lies in the step between what we notice and our decision making & planning.  This has a great impact on our actions, which, in turn, move us either closer or further away from fulfilling our dreams.  The transition from noticing to deciding must be done with the right energy to be impactful.  Only then can we choose the most effective tools that align our energy daily and move us towards the fulfillment of our dreams. 

Main points: 

  • Visualize the energy you want to live in - what is the image or words that represent that energy to you?
  • Identify your people - the ones that lean into you, the ones that line up with your energy and your values.
  • Learn to notice when you are in aligned energy and when you are not.
    • When you are not in aligned energy, take steps to realign yourself.
    • Know what works for you.
    • THEN, once aligned, make your decisions and do your specific planning. 


Let's connect.

I am cheering for you!

Hey friends today, I'll be sharing one of my coaching sessions in my INVEST in your dream group coaching program. I hope that our time together today will help you remember that investing when you have aligned energy is always going to serve you. Welcome to the Live a Vibrant Life podcast. I'm life coach Kelly Tibbitts and each week I'll be here to encourage and equip you with the tools you need to grow in self awareness and invest your best energy in your dreams and your purpose. I believe self awareness changes everything. Let's get started. Today, we're gonna be talking about your energy. So take what's yours for today. Eat the fish, leave the bones. This week we're talking about energy. Energy is mental, emotional, physical, spiritual. The reason it matters, we talked a little bit yesterday, the step between notice and decide is all about your energy. Every day, you should take a little break. Pete Scazzaro at Emotionally Healthy Spirituality points back to the Desert Fathers who took breaks over and over during the day. Those breaths, those pauses to notice, right? The daily office, this seven or eight times a day of just maybe saying a psalm or taking a breath and saying a prayer. Noticing, noticing, noticing. So 30 minutes, Huge. So you want to notice today,"I have a dream" and I just want to celebrate you, for being here and even owning the fact that there may be a seed of a dream in your soul. It's one of the things I'm realizing is when we get older, it is easier and easier to take all our energy and put it on anything other than ourselves. And so even just holding on to that little seed of a dream is incredibly important. So I'm so glad that you're here and honoring that. So you're noticing all kinds of things. I notice my to do list is this long. Noticed this relationship is hard and this one is easy. I notice I'm doing a great job with my physical workout and healthy food. I'm not doing a great job. Noticing is amazing. If we go right from noticing to deciding in the wrong energy, it will not serve you. So that's what we want to talk about today, what kind of energy. Close your eyes. What's your picture of the energy you want to be living in? You notice it's not exhausted, depleted. So what is it? Powerful peace. Powerful peace. I love that so much, because so many humans would tell you, pick one of the two. Pick power or pick peace. And I think you were created on purpose to be the shining example of powerful peace. So now that you've thought of that phrase, your brain's gonna have a job to go and find the pictures of that. Go into Canva. Look through your camera roll. What's the energy I want to be aligned in? And I love so much that you found your way to that. It sounds a little bit like it's a contradiction, and it's not. It's 100 percent alignment. So, that's what we want to spend a little bit of time on this week, is being able to name it so quickly. So, when we sent out the paper that talked about the I N V E S T, when we talk about identifying why you're doing what you're doing, we want to keep working till we can clarify so simply and easily, I help. I help women I help humans. I help mothers. I help leaders. Dream, a purpose, a desire to do something because they were made to do it and without living exhausted, depleted lives. We want to be able to clarify that. But while we're doing it, when I'm helping them, I want to be powerful. I can picture you like your feet are in the ground. You're rooted and strong. And there's this energy of peace. One of the things Ellen and I are developing is a program. So we see it like a pyramid and the bottom is abundant aligned energy. That's what we do on Wednesdays. But the second part of the pyramid is these mutually flourishing relationships like an infinity sign. You breathe into them and they breathe into you. And um, that's one of the most important things for a mutually flourishing relationship is you have to own your identity and not look for someone else to name it, say it for you, right? So when you know I'm a powerful peacemaker, then even if there's a hurricane of energy around you, you can ground down into I'm a powerful Peacemaker. I just think as your children grow up, how attracted they will be to that energy. They get to be around you, the powerful peacemaker. It's just beautiful and strong, and I love it so much for you. And you know this now I had to wait till mine were older. And then at the top, once you have aligned energy, once you have mutually flourishing relationships, then you start to pour your energy because it's not going in all these other places, it's staying where it's supposed to be. You can invest it into your purpose. So that's why noticing your energy picture is so important. So it's okay if you don't know it yet, but open your eyes and think about people you listen to. What do people say about you? So you want to tap into that energy. Wake up in the morning and notice, how am I doing? Tap into it. Breathe into it. Step one is always to breathe. Sometimes that's all we need. A few breaths and we get back to realignment. The picture that Cathy Heller used one day is if energy and money are just like water, they're just these flowing resources. Sometimes when you turn on the tap, it's going to be rusty. What you are doing by showing up on Wednesdays and Thursdays is keeping the abundance flowing. It's moving through you. It's been interesting for me to see people who start with me and then they step out and they return because they've taken so many steps back. By showing up on a small basis, 30 minutes, always feel free to jump off at 30 minutes. That's the commitment you've made to yourself is the 30 minutes. If you have something, I'm going to be here for you. But the 30 minutes is the ideal amount for you to show up and keep the water flowing. You don't have to turn on the rusty faucet. So you show up and you're like, Oh yes, I remember. I want to be in powerful, peaceful energy. There's a little gap, not making it mean anything. What do I want to decide? Or, I want to show up in powerful, peaceful energy, and that is where I am. So what do I want to decide? Let's go. That's the importance of noticing your energy. Then we want to talk about when we are sharing something with the world, we're deciding that there are people who want to lean into us. That means there will always be people who do not want what you are selling. Bless them and let them go. They're not your people. So a thousand people on Facebook, maybe 12, love what you're sharing. Talk to them and the people who are not the right energy, bless them and let them go. Name your people and know that you can help them. Compound interest is what we're working on. One person, two people, three people, five people, 10 people, 20 people. That's what we're doing. We're allowing the slowness of the beginning because that's going to be really healthy. When I first got my Instagram, somebody told me don't keep people you don't really know because it will destroy your algorithm. You'll have all these strangers who never comment on anything and then Instagram won't show you anything. If you have 12 people and every time you post, those 12 people are going to constantly be noticing and thanking you. So the fun thing is that I come on here and I notice and when I leave, I'm able to stay on notice mode. So it becomes a continuous practice. That is the ideal. And then if you learn something here and you share it with somebody else, if you teach something you learned here today, that's to somebody else, you're deepening your own neural pathway. So say you learn today, I think I don't even know what kind of energy I want to be in. So then your values, do you know your values? I want to be collaborative. I want to create a community because I think we can all help each other. I want to be incredibly generous. I love being with other leaders who are so generous in what they give. And then I want to say to people, I've done work since 2016, and because I'm an educator, I've succinctly made a path so you don't need to take eight years. I can move you expeditiously. That's important to me. Some people are going to say you're moving too fast, you're moving too slow. They might have different values. They get to keep theirs. I need to know mine. So the energy, decide that you can choose. It's in your authority, it's in your agency, to decide the time, the place, and the space for you to create results. So if today you're feeling, peaceful and powerful, then that's where you want to make your decision What do I want to do When do I want to do it? Where do I want to be? But if you woke up this morning and you're physically sick, you're mentally overwhelmed, you're emotionally exhausted, it would not be kind and loving for you to make a decision. Adding anything else to a life that's feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, exhausting. So that's what you want to say is I have a plan. I have a plan. The plan might be rest for the next four days, and then do it. But I need to have a plan. So what if you knew today what you will know in a year? The Simone Soul program that I'm in. She has us do two things at the same time, because she's all about this little narrow road. Our human brains love either side. She's all about getting us to stay in the neutral, narrow. She said, write yourself a letter from somebody who thinks you're amazing. Your child, your grandmother, your mom, a friend, who's like, I can't believe all the incredible things you've done. Write yourself a letter from their point of view. And you'll be at awe of what your brain then allows you to remember because it's not judging you. It's coming from this deep place of love. And then the other letter where you're supposed to write was, What if the things that happened hadn't happened? Where would you be? I find these kind of exercises really, really hard to do. But the other night, the night of the eclipse, I had the most vivid dream that I actually remembered, and it was what my life would have been like if I had taken just one different step of not going to college. Sometimes I need the voice over here saying, what you've done is amazing. Sometimes I just need to remember, wow, Remember when you didn't even think you could do that, and now you do it with ease? That's incredible. Could have gone over this way, but instead it went here. All we're trying to say is, how do I stay in this aligned energy? When you are in aligned energy, that's when you want to make decisions. If you're noticing today, you're not in aligned energy, you get emotionally exhausted. A whole bunch of people in a row say things, and you don't take the time to process it until all of a sudden you're realizing how heavy everything feels. Maybe your decision is I need to get back into my energy and again, we're learning these little tools Sometimes you need to dance. Sometimes you need to scream. Sometimes you need to journal. Sometimes you need to go for a walk. You do the work to get into aligned energy. The big decision to make today is for you to say I have a plan for creating my desired result. Now our human brains are trying to keep us safe by not changing anything You If we don't change our thoughts, or our feelings, or our actions, it seems like we'll use less glucose. Now, we know this isn't true. The week between Christmas and New Year's, if you don't do anything, you actually start to feel terrible. So, it's not in your best interest. But, we have to speak over that human brain. If you knew, five years from now, something, and you could come back in a time machine and tell yourself today, you would be at ease. If you could jump in a time machine right now, and head back to March of 2020, you would and say, don't worry, this thing that seems overwhelming, impossible, you'll never get through it. I don't even know how the economy could ever bounce back when everything's closed, whatever it was that you were feeling overwhelmed by. If you could jump in a time machine and go back to that 2020 version of you and say, it all works out and you believed that it was really you telling you that and you could rest in that confidence and that peace, that experience would have been different. So let's use the belief that up till today, you've learned what you've needed to learn. You've created incredible results. You are the right person to speak into the lives of the people who are waiting for you to speak. I have a plan for creating my desired results. The best gift you can give yourself when you drop in and check in is to say, what if it took 20 years? Is it possible I could get there in 20 years? What if it took 10 years? Is it possible I could get there in 10 years? What if it took five years? What's the number that's far enough out? So say you're saying, I want to write a book. I want to host a conference. I want to go live on Instagram. Do I believe I could go live on Instagram now, sometime in the next 10 years? I really do. I really think the next 10 years I can do this. Okay. So I want to just keep bringing that date closer to today. But also till it feels safe. If your goal is to make a certain amount of money. If your goal is to put a course into the world. To start a podcast. Start with a date that's far enough out that it feels at ease. So step one. I have a plan for creating my desired result. I have written my book. I think by 2035, I've hosted my first live event. I think by 2040, I've created a Facebook community of 100 people. See if you can even start there with something that feels easy. Put the date far enough out that you're not adding stress to your life. Once you've chosen a date, now you want to choose the time, the place, and the space. So say your goal is similar to mine. I want to be strong when I'm 75. What are three things that will help me be strong when I'm 75? I think taking all the vitamins I take, all the different supplements I take, is going to help me be strong. Be strong at 75. My time, my place, my space. I have a little area in my kitchen. All the things are there. I know what time of day I take this and I know what time of day I take that. I think walking every day is going to help me. Okay. When do I think I'm going to do that? All right. The third thing I'm not doing, I either want to go to the gym more or use weights more here. Okay. Well, now I know the struggle is I don't currently have the energy. It's not the time. There's plenty of time in my day, but the energy match for when my time is available. So that's what I need to be looking for. If you're trying to write a book, and the only time available is when your mental energy is just depleted, it's not going to be easy to write the content for your book. Now we're going to have to say what can we move around? That might be what your decision is today. I know the kids are going on April vacation. I'm going to ask for this day, three hours away, and I'm going to make the plan. Or you actually know if I just spent Tuesdays and Thursdays for 40 minutes, I'm I think I could move this one goal along. So what we're noticing is our energy between the notice and the decide stage. So you're noticing everything the way you notice it. See if you know your best way to notice. Are you a verbal processor? Are you a journaler? Do you take pictures and then make art? I actually know somebody who does this. She would read a Bible passage and she would make art. And while she was making the art, that's how she would notice what she was receiving from that piece of scripture. So beautiful. So notice how you notice. You might not be a journaler, but you might be. You might need conversations. Then, before you make the decision, are you in peaceful and powerful energy? Check in. Make your decision. Small steps should feel at ease. If they're not, let's go back. Thank you for joining the Live a Vibrant Life podcast. I hope our time together encouraged you and will equip you with the tools you need to move into the vibrant life you desire. I'm here to help you live a brave, creative, purpose filled life. And if you'd like to learn more, You can follow me on Instagram or Facebook, Kelly Tibbetts Life Coach, or visit my website, kellytibbetts. com. I look forward to connecting again soon.

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