Live A Vibrant Life Podcast with Life Coach Kelly Tibbitts

The Motivations Behind The 6 Types of Working Genuis

Kelly Tibbitts Episode 91

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As I’ve been sharing in the last few podcasts, The Working Genius is a powerful self awareness tool that can transform both your personal and your work life. In today’s podcast, I focus on the underlying motivations behind each genius.  What things people in each genius crave or desire, and what things “crush them”. 

Everyone, regardless of their working genius, craves to be seen, understood, and wanted. When you understand what specific things you crave and what crushes you, you can not only better identify your geniuses but also use that information to have more agency in your life - to work more productively, improve work and personal relationships, and avoid burnout.

Main points: 

  • Understanding what motivations are behind each genius is vital to be able to use this information to improve your life and your relationships.
  • Wonder - craves being considered; crushed when dismissed.
  • Invention - craves freedom; crushed by constraints or when others jump in too soon.
  • Discernment - craves being trusted; crushed when told to “prove it”.
  • Galvanizing - craves reaction; crushed by apathy.
  • Enabling - craves appreciation; crushed by being overlooked.
  • Tenacity - craves clarity; crushed by ambiguity.


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 Hey friends, this week on the podcast, I'm going to be sharing on the working genius. And at the same time, we're pivoting in our self awareness changes everything series.

Of the things that I think I bring as a coach to the people who work with me is the ability to notice the nuance, to notice where your Enneagram, your working genius, your strength finders is showing up in a way that serves you and where you might want to notice that maybe you're running out of energy and you're leaning into the unhealthy side of whatever these Personality behaviors might describe to you.

So most people live unexamined lives. And because of that, we do the same things on repeat because we have the same thought on repeat, creating the same feeling and what working with a life coach can do for all of us is help us notice what we're thinking, decide if we want that thought on repeat because it's creating a feeling that is either moving us towards or away from a result that we want in our life.

And the reason that tools like the Working Genius and the Enneagram can help us is that it helps us understand ourselves. And with grace and with love, we get to then decide, knowing that we're 100 percent valuable. Nothing that we ever do or say can change that fact. That's who you are, 100 percent valuable, made in the image of God, fully loved, fully known and seen by your Creator.

And when we have our own back, nothing in life can take away that confidence. But at the same time, we have to put on these personalities to walk through Earth. We're a soul having a spiritual experience and a physical body, and so these behaviors are very much what it is to have a human experience. But when I can understand why I'm thinking and feeling and doing life that way, not only do I have grace for myself, I also get the authority, the agency, to decide what I want to keep on repeat. 

So as I'm talking through the working genius today, I'm going to share some things, what each of these working geniuses crave and what crushes them. So that when you're with somebody and you realize, Hey, I'm just trying to be authentic by speaking the way you're speaking is everyone receiving it the way that you intended.

And at the same time, I'm going to notice the nuance of what knowing your core fear and core desire of your Enneagram number could really help you understand in these different conversations. So the Working Genius, again, was created by Pat Lencioni of The Table Group. He has been working with leaders across the world for just decades and came to this understanding during COVID where he said, Why do I keep doing these things?

And because he was open and self aware and nonjudgmental, he was able to create a framework that has served him, the whole team that works with him, their families, and the communities that they serve.  So he says this, everyone, regardless of their working genius, craves to be seen, understood, and wanted. At our core, that is what is true of us as humans.

So if that's true, And you desire, like I desire, to be somebody who brings light and love into the world. Then let's understand each other a little bit better. So the widget is a way to have a monomic device to describe the six stages of getting work done. Wonder, invention, discernment, galvanizing, enablement, tenacity.

So if you have the gift of wonder, you ask really great questions. It comes easy for you to respond and notice what could be different. How could we do it differently? What you crave is consideration. Think back to the teams you've served on when you brought your great questions to the team, not necessarily having any ideas or the ability to discern those ideas.

You just were really excellent at noticing the questions. How? Why? When? Where?  Do you feel like the people at the table around you were considerate? We're receiving those questions?  Or did you get crushed because people around you dismissed you?  Isn't this so powerful? When we know that light and life exist in our words, we need to be so conscious of the things we say, whether we say them literally with our words, or sometimes just with our face, with our intentions.

So think about this the next time you're at a table. If you have the genius of wonder,  what would it mean for you to not dismiss yourself? To show up fully and aligned and know that you are bringing the greatest value to a team. If they know in advance the question they're answering, they are so much better, right?

They're so much better at coming to the solution that they need.  After wonder comes the idea invention. Do you love the whiteboard, the colorful markers, the coming up with any possibility? If you have the gift of invention, what you long for is the freedom to invent. Not somebody sitting beside you and discerning before you even finish, but just the ideating brings you great joy.

And you might notice that constraint, limiting, makes you feel better.  So if you're the leader and at your table is somebody with invention, are you giving them the time and the space to invent before we jump to discernment? I know that's a struggle of mine because discernment is one of my geniuses. So I want to skip over the invention part and head right over to discernment.

And so now I know what honors the people at my table is to give those with this ability to invent the freedom they need  and to not be jumping in too soon because it crushes them.  After we have wonder and invention, we have discernment. All the ideas are on the whiteboard. Now we need to notice what is possible, what is maybe for later, what we're going to decide to delegate or defer. 

When you have the gift of discernment, it's in your gut. You just know. There may not be the logical paper that explains it. There may not be a group of people with a resounding yes, but you know that you know that you know. And so what you crave is trust, trust of the people around you to know that you have this gift of discernment and that your words and your thoughts can be trusted.

I know this has been my genius my whole life. I remember back when I was a children's pastor, which was never really seen on any of the teams that I worked on as the same authority as anybody else. other levels of leadership in the church. But I was incredibly discerning. I could notice without maybe the explanation on paper, certain things, trends, um, things that I saw on repeat.

And I remember sharing it once with a leader and that leader came up to my husband and said, you know, Kelly thinks she's noticing this. What do you think? And my husband did not work at a church. It was not where he put any of his energy. But when he said things, especially in the church setting,  people would listen to him.  He said that day, I would trust Kelly. 

And I've always really appreciated that because he trusted and knew that I had this ability with discernment. What crushes people with discernment is the thought or the phrase, prove it. Well, how can I prove that I see this transition that is in my gut? Do I have to wait until there's a paper on it?

Do I have to wait until somebody else says it? I can remember feeling crushed by those thoughts. So again, if you're in leadership, knowing these six stages, looking for people around the table, honoring their gifts is such, I don't know, there's no other word, a gift to your team, right? To be the kind of generous and authentic and healthy leader that can hold space for different people's gifts, because we need all six gifts. 

 Pat Lencioni  describes these six stages of getting work done, right?  W I D G, right? The discerner is going to notice,  And want you to trust their discernment, the galvanizer is going to come in and say, okay, we've decided this.

Let's go. The galvanizer can galvanize themself. They can move you and other people in the direction we need to go. Now what's interesting to notice if you're the galvanizer is you're going to move people whether you agree with what the team wants or not. Have you served with somebody like this who thinks they are, able to move people in a direction, even if that wasn't the decision, be aware of that.

What do they need? They're craving reaction. They're craving the energy that comes from decision and from movement.  What crushes them is apathy. When people stop caring, because part of what makes a galvanizer a galvanizer is movement. And when we stop doing anything, it's so frustrating and hard for them to be on that team.

Okay, so we've done the W I D G, now we get to go over to the E, which excites me. The enablement. The looking at every single person in the eye and saying, you were made on purpose, for a purpose. Let me help you discover and remember the gifts in your soul.  And at the end of the day, the enablement craves appreciation.

I know there's so much about the love languages that, you know, some of it is just, you Maybe not the best. But what I think he was trying to do is notice that in marriage, people were showing up and they were trying to love each other really well, but they were doing it in the way that they wanted love.

And the same thing happens with those of us with enablement. We're looking for appreciation. We tend to find it very easy to appreciate others, to notice their gifts, to celebrate them.  You know, every time I was in charge of a team, I always wanted to, like, send cards and gifts and make sure I took the time to thank them.

And in my soul, I was craving appreciation. And what changed my life is for me to notice I already have it.  As a follower of Jesus Christ, I believe that God made me in the image of God. Loves me fully. And when I stand in that aligned energy, I am not looking for people outside myself to appreciate me and to love me.

I have my own back.  What crushes those of us with the gift of enablement is being overlooked because the W and the E gifts are not always seen as geniuses. And then we know there's something special here, but no one else is noticing it. It feels not appreciated. And instead of letting our light shine, it gets dimmer and dimmer.

So don't overlook yourself. If this is the first time you've heard that enablement is a gift, I want you to know it truly is. Teams cannot move forward unless there's somebody there who is passionate about moving the project and the people forward. Human Resources was created because humans are the most important resource of any organization.

W I D G E T Tenacity, the gift of getting things done. The person at the end who says, we're not going to walk away, I'm going to use my disruptive energy to stop us from pivoting to anything else and finishing what we said we wanted to finish.  And tenacity craves clarity. Do we want this done by this date at this price point?

When we can do that for the people who have the gift of tenacity, they're going to feel heard, they're going to feel seen, they're going to be able to know what to do and what not to do. And if you have the gift of tenacity, you know what it's like to be on a team where there's ambiguity. Ambiguity is what crushes the soul of someone with tenacity.

I don't know. We can finish it whenever. It doesn't really matter.  The gift of the D and the G and the T is you have disruptive energy. You can push and move and get things going. But when you have the gift of tenacity,  It hasn't been honored. It hasn't been seen. It hasn't been appreciated. You might find yourself just picking up the pieces and doing it on your own because you can clarify what needs to be done.

There's no ambiguity  of who's going to do it when.  So do you see how these six gifts need to be named? And noticed how when we have a team around us, that different people are using their gifts. People are alive. They're vibrant because every single human was made on purpose for a purpose. There is some reason you are here today and the team around you can help you move that forward.

We were not meant to do life alone, but without self awareness, we don't notice and honor  and highlight the gift that we are. And I promise you, if you can grow in self awareness, you can have your own back. You can stand in your confidence. Everything changes. I lived most of my life very, very unaware of why I thought or felt or did anything.

I was compliant. I was a people pleaser. I was codependent. And because of life coaching and because of teachers and books and conferences, I've become a different person. I find my energy by finding my aligned path and that's what I want for each of us. And that's why I've created my Live a Vibrant Life coaching program.

I know that there are so many coaches out there who are amazing, but their price point is past where many of us can afford. But I've created something that's so affordable, 45 a month, a six month commitment. You'll have a group of people around you who say, I see you, I'm going to help you grow in what's important to you.

I'm going to help you remember your dreams and your purpose and develop those mutually flourishing relationships that allow all of us to go further faster. If you'd like to learn more, you can head over to kellytibbets. com. I'm also on Facebook or Instagram. Send me a DM and I'll send you a code and we'll have you jump in for two weeks at absolutely no cost.

You can just join us for two weeks, see if this is a fit.  But I hope that you leave today knowing you are a genius. And that when you grow in self awareness, everything changes. I'm going to be back next week to talk about the Enneagram. And the Enneagram tells us that we have these core desires. They're kind of described by what we crave in our working genius.

We also have these core fears, things that we don't want happening. When we can identify those, it helps it make Everything in life easier because we know what we want why we want it and again as emotionally healthy human beings We're gonna have to do all the six steps of work. Sometimes we're gonna have to use different behaviors and You know, there's nothing wrong with any of that but to live a vibrant aligned healthy life means saying more of the yeses You want to say Saying more of the no's you want to say and trusting there's someone else out there who would love the opportunity.

That isn't a right fit for you at this time. It's okay to defer and to delegate because you are so incredibly important. Notice your energy, decide how you want to invest it and what's important to you. What's important to you is so important. And take the small practice steps daily that move you forward and the results that are important to you.

I'll be back next week. 

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